
About the blog

This is a blog about random problems encountered during typical day in the life of a web developer.

When you work with the Internet every day you learn that the web is a mine of information about every possible topic you can think of. I often rely on a Google search to try to find a solution when I get stuck on a particularly complicated problem or when the documentation provided for a framework is lacking. It’s always comforting to know that most likely someone else has encountered the very same problem and has most likely found the solution. This is the how the World Wide Web has become for many a way to collaborate and share information with thousands of others.

The main objective of this blog is to do my share, to give back a little something to the community. Through this blog I provide others with my own solutions to problems I have encountered in hopes that it may be useful to someone out there. It is my way of sharing the knowledge I acquired with the world.

About the author

My name is Stefan Graf. I am studying software engineering while working part time as a web developer, and more recently, web solutions manager. I have been working in this domain for a little over 5 years acquiring some solid experience with various technologies, frameworks, standards and software related to the design, development, maintenance and hosting of web sites. My technical skills include many web related technologies such as PHP, Zend Framework, Yii Framework, Magento, GWT, AJAX, JavaScript, Adobe AIR, Database Modelling, Electronic Commerce, Web Services, Java and object oriented design. My other interests include things like new technologies, puzzles, music, artificial intelligence, graphic design and travelling.

Check out my professional profile and connect with me on LinkedIn. http://lnkd.in/p_9R3j