Category: Linux

  • Cleaning the log tables and rebuilding indexes with shell scripts

    Based on the same idea as my “cache clearing script“ (but 10x better), Magento now includes some handy scripts to clean the log tables, to compile source files and to rebuild indexes. For people with very large databases (10k+ products) this is sometimes the only way to actually accomplish something without running out of memory or exceeding execution time…

  • Netbeans Preparing Commit

    If you ever tried to SVN commit a big project using Netbeans (Magento?) you have most likely seen that “Preparing Commit” message doing seemingly absolutely nothing for several minutes. Apparently the commit takes forever because Netbeans is scanning the entire projet to localize any changes done by external applications before committing. This is not really an…

  • Running MySQL Proxy as a daemon

    I had to figure out how to setup mySQL Proxy to run as a daemon (system service). The original information came from this page and has been slightly modified. It is assumed that mySQL Proxy has been installed and the mysql-proxy executable is located at /usr/local/sbin/mysql-proxy. The first file is the init.d launch script: /etc/init.d/mysql-proxy…

  • (partial) MySQL Proxy API Doc

    I have been working a lot with MySQL proxy lately and trying to figure out how it works is a major PITA. There is virtually no documentation for it and the best way to understand how it actually works is to read the source code. This is a list of API functions discovered by reading…

  • Add a self-generated SSL certificate to the list of trusted certificates

    Usually Java only accepts SSL certificates that can be validated with one of the CA providers in JRE’s internal cacerts keystore. The cacerts keystore is a file located at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts How to import a self generated SSL certificate First, export the self-generated key ‘’ to a file called on the server keytool -export -keystore…