Category: Mac OS X

  • Disable mouse acceleration on Mac OS X

    The most annoying thing I encounter when occasionnaly working on a Mac is the mouse acceleration. I found a command line that will disable it but you need to relog after executing it: defaults write -g -1 Note: Don’t touch the mouse settings in Preferences or it will override the above change.

  • Netbeans Preparing Commit

    If you ever tried to SVN commit a big project using Netbeans (Magento?) you have most likely seen that “Preparing Commit” message doing seemingly absolutely nothing for several minutes. Apparently the commit takes forever because Netbeans is scanning the entire projet to localize any changes done by external applications before committing. This is not really an…

  • Add a self-generated SSL certificate to the list of trusted certificates

    Usually Java only accepts SSL certificates that can be validated with one of the CA providers in JRE’s internal cacerts keystore. The cacerts keystore is a file located at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts How to import a self generated SSL certificate First, export the self-generated key ‘’ to a file called on the server keytool -export -keystore…