Tag: Programming

  • Magento: How to change the admin theme

    So you want to use Magento for your company and now you have to change the look of the backend. Of course you don’t want to change the default Magento adminhtml theme and kill any chances of upgrading your templates later on. So thats where this post comes into play. ;) Theres an easy way…

  • Add a self-generated SSL certificate to the list of trusted certificates

    Usually Java only accepts SSL certificates that can be validated with one of the CA providers in JRE’s internal cacerts keystore. The cacerts keystore is a file located at $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts How to import a self generated SSL certificate First, export the self-generated key ‘mywebsite.com’ to a file called mywebsite.com.cert on the server keytool -export -keystore…